Gentle Release Therapy
A powerful, yet gentle, therapy that gives the body and mind permission to release and let go.
Drawing upon the theory and fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine as we combine Acupuncture (without the needles) with Energy Work, along with other techniques such as Cranial Release, Endocrine Release and more.. creating a beautiful synergy that allows the body to release.
Release? Release what? In the first session, we often find a lifetime of stress being held in the body, that clients don’t even realise is there. Gentle Release therapists use energy skills to find areas that need attention, and are trained to know when it’s time to move to the next area or technique.
We use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory to understand what’s going on in the body. For example the Liver is a key organ in TCM – it helps the flow of Qi (Energy) around the body.
For example, the Liver is linked to Ligaments and Tendons, so muscular tension is often eased through working with the Liver. The emotions connected to the Liver are anger and frustration. Imagine someone who is feeling very angry – all those ligaments and tendons become so tight in their body, they look like they might explode!
The Liver is also linked with the time period 1am to 3am, so if you find yourself waking at these times and not able to get back to sleep for a while, you and your Liver may appreciate some help.
Gentle Release Therapy uses techniques to support and release not only the Liver energy, but also the other key organs in TCM. Furthermore, we have extremely gentle emotional release techniques that we can use if there is an issue in particular that’s causing you stress.
In addition to the TCM work with the abdominal organs we also incorporate cranial release regularly into treatments which involves an extremely light touch which can allow the body to release on another level. We also have techniques that release the spine, endocrine (hormone) system and lymphatic system that can be used as required. All treatments are tailored to deal with what your body needs to release at that moment in time.
Gentle Release Therapy is carried out with you fully clothed. You will normally lie back on the treatment couch. A relaxing eye pillow can be placed over the eyes for the abdominal section of the treatment. Additional pillows, blankets and bolsters can be used for maximum comfort. Once you’re feeling calm and relaxed, the treatment begins – incorporating gentle touch with energy work, along with additional techniques. Areas commonly “worked on” include the abdomen, face, head and feet. By working with the organs and various acupuncture points, the areas that we work with encourage a whole body release and holistic healing approach.
Talking during the session can sometimes be useful to help the release, however as you will be lying back and relaxing, it is totally normal to be quiet throughout, allowing you to fully “switch off” and perhaps even drift off to sleep!
It is common for clients to experience different sensations during the treatment, these may include softening of muscles, ligaments and joints, release of heat, gurgling in the abdomen, change of temperature, change in pattern of breathing such as sighing or yawning, gurgling, eye movement behind the lids, flickering of eyelids, waves of emotion, twitching or jerking, deep relaxation, and as mentioned previously, sometimes falling to sleep.
After treatments clients often feel lighter in both the head and abdomen and very often be so relaxed that they go and take a much needed nap. However sometimes they feel so energised they get loads of work done that they have been struggling with for ages!
Everyone responds differently, and how you respond after each session will depend on what is going on for you.
Gentle Release helps allow your own body to flow back into balance. As therapists we are giving the body time and space for releasing and healing to happen.
The GRT Vagus Nerve Treatment is a transformational therapy that combines the system of Gentle Release Therapy with advanced techniques and wisdom such as Vagus Nerve Release, Nervous System Regulation, Polyvagal Theory, Brain Release and HPA Axis Release.
The treatment is divided into 4 in-depth protocols. For most, this is carried out over a course of 4 sessions. The timeline in which you receive the treatments will depend on a number of factors, such as your current state of health and well-being, as well as how you respond to the sessions.
You can read more about this by clicking here.
Gentle Release Therapy
First Appointment – 75 minutes: £70
First Appointment – 120 minutes: £100
Follow Up Appointment – 60 minutes: £60
Follow Up Appointment – 90 minutes: £80
Follow Up Appointment – 120 minutes: £100
Gentle Release Therapy for the Vagus Nerve
90 – 120 minutes: £100